Many years back, I happened upon one of Lisbeth Zwerger’s books for the first time. I knew I was looking at the work of a soulful and unconventional artist and I stood in the bookstore [...]
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? was first published in 1967 and has been reissued numerous times particularly in its early years. Bill Martin Jr would decide to change the text and I [...]
Bobbie and I have made our move to the mountains of North Carolina where we will spend the summer months. We’ll be enjoying the climate in NC, the good company of friends and family who [...]
I recently read an article about pretzels in the New York Times that mentions a number of bakeries in New York City where one can buy fresh baked soft pretzels and a wonderful bakery in [...]
Writer’s block or any kind of “creative crisis” is part of being creative; it will never disappear. I have suffered from this “creative crisis” many times, and this [...]
This spring, I was very honored to learn that I was one of 23 recipients to be awarded the Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. On May 8, my sister Christa accepted this award on [...]
Last week Bobbie and I spent a few days in Cambridge MA where I was invited to speak at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. It was an honor to be invited by such a prestigious institution [...]
Here are some of my friends who recently came to visit. The egret is sitting on our fence; the pelican is resting on our dock. And Whitey, a stray cat who has been paying us regular visits for [...]
These are some of the illustrations I created before I started making my own picture books using tissue paper collage. An early assignment from my editor Ann Beneduce was to illustrate a [...]
I love to listen to Mozart, one of my favorite composers, while painting tissue papers in my studio. Sometimes I turn the music up so loud so that it surrounds me. A number of years ago, I [...]