Writer’s block or any kind of “creative crisis” is part of being creative; it will never disappear. I have suffered from this “creative crisis” many times, and this is what I do.

I always start working on a book with my best intentions, but then, sometimes I encounter unsurmountable mental resistance. Early in my career I despaired when this occurred, but later on I discovered how to overcome this anguish.

The first step is simply to give in. I’d tell myself that, “Yes, it is true that I am not talented, that I cannot do it, that my brain has died and my sense of color is off.”

After sleepless nights, and days of raving against my destiny, I may call my editor and tell her that I have “lost it” and will never do a book again. I surrender to my fate. And that is exactly the point where recovery happens and creativity starts to flow again!