“Gr. K-2, younger for reading aloud. Originally published by Crowell, this vibrantly illustrated rendition tells of a tiny seed that travels with the wind, survives perils, germinates, and grows into a flower, producing more tiny seeds. A springtime standard for nursery-school and kindergarten units on seasons and growth, it is back in print from Picture Book Studio [now from Simon & Schuster] in a newly edited and illustrated version. Those who have used the original should be pleased with the new edition. The editorial changes are minimal and the artwork, while completely redone, is noticeably different from the original only when they are viewed side by side. The colors are, if possible, brighter than before; the forms defined more clearly; every line is brought more sharply into focus. It’s a bold, confident reworking of Carle’s original book; one can only wish that more “out-of-print” favorites could have such a jubilant rebirth.”
– by CP, Booklist, April 15, 1987