Many families and visitors waited patiently in line and enjoyed activities throughout the Museum. It is always gratifying to meet readers and teachers, grandparents and local college students who grew up with or are currently enjoying my books.
From western, Massachusetts we drove to New York City for the 8th Annual Carle Honors hosted by the very entertaining and talented Angela & Tony DiTerlizzi and held in the beautiful Guastavinos space built underneath the 59th Street Bridge.
After the excitement at the Carle Honors, Bobbie and I visited with more friends in New York.
And then on Monday, I was fortunate to participate in an event at the New York Public Library with Judy Blume and Leonard Marcus (Leonard is a long time friend of the Museum).
Here I am with Judy Blume and all of the children’s librarians at the New York Public Library! It was quite an honor to be there and brought us to the end of a wonderful visit.