Yes. But there are many kinds of artists. At one end of the spectrum are commercial artists, people such as advertising artists or graphic designers, who have a client to work for, a product to [...]
I had no intentions of growing a beard. But this is how it happened anyway. In the early 1970’s I bought land in the northwest corner of Massachusetts. In order to get a better view of the [...]
Not only did I scribble when I was a child, but I still do! As far back as I can remember I enjoyed drawing pictures and I knew then that I would always draw. When I had grown to the age when [...]
In retrospect it appears that the action of these individuals had been orchestrated by a higher force to form my creative development and I consider them all to be my “door openers” MY FATHER, [...]
There was a short time in my childhood when I wanted to be a forester. On many Sunday mornings my father and I would go for walks in the forest. This was in Germany and occasionally we’d pass a [...]
My career began as a graphic designer. Later I was an art director for an advertising agency. In the mid 1960’s Bill Martin Jr saw an ad of a red lobster that I had designed and asked me to [...]
I would have to say my work is my hobby. And my hobby is my work. Even when I’m not working in my studio, I might be thinking about future books. While I have retired from the business-end of my [...]
My favorite color is yellow because most children put a yellow sun in their pictures and because it is a complex color to use when mixing it with other colors. But the truth is, I love all [...]
I have one sister, Christa, who is much younger than I am, 21 years younger, in fact. I have dedicated The Very Hungry Caterpillar to her. My wife Bobbie and I were married for a long time. [...]